In 2013, I got a 2-year contract job as a Desktop Publisher at a local bank, which turned out to be someone who "designs" PowerPoint presentations for managers. I lasted 2 months. Instead of wallowing in self pity, I continued my online search for jobs and came across the trinidad+tobago film festival's call for volunteers and interns. There was actually a line specifically for graphic designers. This was my first time since I returned home where graphic design was listed as anything. Naturally, I applied and luckily, Melanie Archer, the Art Director at the time, liked me (which is a rare feat I will cherish forever). And thus began my annual relationship with the ttff, my responsibilities growing more and more each year. Fast forward to 2015, ttff's 10 year anniversary, and the most work I had ever done for the festival, including the branding for the Caribbean Film Mart + Database. The theme was it starts here and this is just small portion of what was rolled out, with the perfect art direction of Melanie Archer.
Photography by Digimedia Photo + Cinema.